first born son of Lord Lord Srikrishn, named Pradyumn had a son named Aniruddh
who was as handsome as his grandfather Lord Srikrishn.
One night he
dreamt an exquisitely beautiful girl roaming in a captivating garden and felt
enamoured to her. He introduced himself and asked about her. "I am the
daughter of king Baan of Asuras. My name is Usha," she said. "Why do
you not get married?" asked an eager Aniruddh. "No girl
hailing from a decent family does so. If you want to marry me then ask my
father Baanasur, Lord Lord Shiv or Goddess Parvati, "said Usha shyly
and the dream ended. Aniruddh was overwhelmed by the charm and beauty of Usha
but could not share his heart with anyone. He felt thrilled at times and
anguished at another time, as he knew not how to realize his secret dream. He
used to brood and shed tears in solitude. His mother and grandmother noticed
and explained to Lord Srikrishn the plight of poor Aniruddh. Lord Srikrishn
thought for a moment and when he learnt the truth he laughed and said, -"On
hearing the tales of romance of Lord Shiv and Parvati the daughter of Baanasur
got excited and began to long for a husband. Parvati showed her in dream
Aniruddh and drove him mad. Now I will also drive Usha mad. Worry not."
He showed a dream to Usha. She saw a handsome youth reclining in bed. The mere
glance of glorious youthful grandson of Lord Srikrishn bewitched her and being
extremely excited she asked him to accept her as his wife." I am the
grandson of Lord Srikrishn. How can I marry you without his permission?"
he said and the dream ended. Usha was besotted. She confided her longing in her
friend Chitralekha. She passed the news to others. Parents of Usha got anxious.
Lord Shiv, Parvati and Ganesh being aware of the reality amused themselves and
laughed. Ganesh advised Chitralekha to go to Dwarka and bring Aniruddh. She
applied her illusory powers and brought him in the palace of Usha. The couple
got secretly married. In Dwarka when news of disappearance of Aniruddh broke,
queens began to lament. Lord Srikrishn however, convinced them that nothing
untoward was going to happen and prepared his army, took his weapons and
marched to Shonitpur where his grandson was rejoicing with his wife. Baanasur
learnt from his guards that Usha seemed to have got secretly married and
appeared pregnant. He got furious and straight away stamped into her palace.
What he saw turned him red in anger. The young couple delighted together in
bed, happily immersed in joy.
Baanasur rose
to kill Aniruddh but for the intervention of lord Lord Shiv who stopped him and
said, -“Baan! Listen to me. The supreme lord is ruling over Dwarka these days
to unburden the earth from the evil souls. Being the abode of the entire
Universe, he is called Vasudev. How can you fight with one who, when deserts a
being, the being turns into a corpse? As directions cannot be perceived in the
space, so is a human incapable of perceiving him even in meditation. His grandson is capable of destroying three
spheres in an eye-blink. The one who sent your father Bali to netherworld in a
moment is the single lord of universe.” Parvati also seconded Lord Shiv. Ganesh said, -“Illumined Prahlad
and great devotee of Lord Vishnu, Bali are indeed unfortunate that such a moron
has been born to them!”
Baan however,
pleaded, -“O Mother! Lord Shiv and brother Ganesh! Everyone inevitably reaps
the fruit of one’s action. Who can avert what is predestined? He has entered an
empire guarded by Lord Shiv, Parvati and Ganesh. Who can take away the daughter
of a living man, the way he has done? The guard told me in front of all that my
daughter is carrying. This news is piercing into my ears. I shall therefore,
kill Aniruddh along with my daughter or enter fire to finish myself.”
Saying so, the
demon mounted his chariot and made track to kill Aniruddh. Lord Shiv asked his
son Kartikeya to accompany him. Seeing the preparations of war, Goddess Parvati
and wife of Baan sent a messenger to Aniruddh.
“Aniruddh got
up! Put on the kavach of mother Parvati and come out to fight,” said the
messenger. A tearful Usha cried before
Goddess Parvati, -“Mother, save my soul mate please.”
Aniruddh put on
the kavach and mounted the chariot given by wife Usha. Seeing him
prepared to fight, Baan oozed out his wrath, -“O blockheaded sly youth! Your
father killed Shambarasur and took away his wife. Your grandfather grazed
cattle in Vrindavan. That paramour of milkmaids is a lecher of top order. He
killed Putana who was a lady. He killed Kubja after mating with her. That callous and licentious man killed his
poor son Narkasur and took away his womenfolk.
He kidnapped Rukmani after defeating Bhishmak and Rukmi. Satrajit got
Syamantak Mani after great penance but he cunningly took away that Mani and his
daughter as well. He engineered fight
between Kaurav and Pandav and killed great warriors such as Shishupal,
Dantavaktra and Jarasandh. To please his
wife he fought with his brother Indra and took away Parijaat tree from Swargalok.
That sinner killed his own maternal uncle Kans. What more, he even fought
Jambvan to take away his daughter. His aunt Kunti became the wife of four men.
Draupadi the wife of his brother belongs to five men. That cowherd is damn lecherous and damn
rogue. His elder brother Baladev is a
habitual boozer and ravishes in the company of his brother’s wife Yamuna. His
cousin Arjun kidnapped the daughter of his maternal uncle Subhadra. This is
your family history!”
patiently listened to the scathing speech of his father-in-law.
He then said,
-“My father Kamdev was the son of Lord Brahma. The three spheres were under his
command. As decided by God, to inspire Lord Shiv to marry Parvati he distracted
him from his samadhi. Angered by his act Lord Shiv turned him into
ashes. He is now son of Lord Srikrishn. My mother Rati is a chaste lady. Shambar had kidnapped her forcibly. She
retained her shadow as Mayavati in the palace of Shambar and saved her honour.
Lord Dharm is witness to it. My father killed Shambar and brought home his
chaste wife. How can a moron such as you know my grandfather? Ask about him
from Lord Shiv whose servant you are!
Being the son
of a subject of Lord Srikrishn, named Bali, you are the son of a servant! King
Dron and his wife Dhara performed great penance to have Lord Srikrishn as their
son in the past and now are born as Nand and Yashoda who brought up my
grandfather in village Nand. Goddess Radha has been born as daughter of
Vrishabhan because of the curse of Sridama. She came to earth as desired by
Lord along with her all maids. Lord Srikrishn therefore, married her in the
presence of Lord Brahma and ravished with all his celestial wives. O Demon!
Putana was the daughter of Bali and your sister. In her past life she had
wished to have lord Vaman as her son. Lord Srikrishn fulfilled her wish and
sent her to Golok respectfully. Kubja was the sister of Ravan in her past life
who wished to marry Lord Ram. She
performed great penance and received a boon from Lord Brahma to have lord as
his husband. Lord Srikrishn embraced her and sent to Golok to be his wife
there. Narkasur met his end because of his evil actions. Lord Srikrishn married
the girls kept captive by him out of their wish, respectfully. Rukmani is
goddess Lakshmi who married Lord Srikrishn as designed by Lord Brahma. Satrajit
himself gave his daughter and Syamantak Mani to Lord Srikrishn. Lord Srikrishn
has descended on earth to remove evil souls.
He unburdened the earth through the battle of Mahabharat. Shishupal and
Dantavaktra were the gatekeepers name Jaya and Vijay in Vaikunthalok. Cursed by sons of Lord Brahma named Sanak,
Sanandan, Sanatana and Sanatkumar, they were born as demons thrice on earth.
Previously they were born as Hiranyakshipu and Hiranyaaksh, then as Ravan and
Kumbhakarn. Jarasandh, Kans etc. were also killed by Lord Srikrishn to relieve
the suffering earth. What temptation of wealth Lord Srikrishn can have who is
the husband of Goddess Lakshmi? Being oath bound to wife Satyabhama he brought
Parijaat tree from Swargalok. Jambavati is partial incarnation of
Goddess Durga. Owing to her penance, she became his wife. Queen Kunti begot
sons from deities only with the consent of her husband. This tradition of
begetting worthy sons that is niyog is practised in three yugas except
in Kaliyug. In Kaliyug five acts are prohibited, Ashvamedha Yajna, Gomedha
Yajna, Sanyas, Niyog and begetting son from brother of husband. Draupadi got
five husbands as boon of Lord Shiv. My uncle Balaram drinks floral juice
regularly. He is chaste and puritan. He called Yamuna only to take bath. Lord
Srikrishn himself gave Subhadra in marriage to great soul Arjun. In south India
marrying the daughter of maternal uncle is prescribed. It is prohibited in
other parts by Lord Brahma.”
Baan listened
to him and said, -“Aniruddh! You are right when you say you are a scholar. Lord
Lord Shiv also said so. Tell me in detail how Draupadi got five husbands and
why Shambar kidnapped your mother
replied, -“Once in Panchavati Lord Ram. Lakshman and Sita sat together after
taking bath in a pond. Lord Ram collected fruits and shared with Sita and
Lakshman. Thereafter he ate. Lakshman took fruit and water but did not eat.
Being determined to kill Meghanad who could be killed only by a person who had
not eaten or slept for fourteen years he did not eat. Lord Agni appeared and
said, -“Lord Ram please hide Sitaji. Because of a past action demon Ravan will
take her away within seven days. Destiny is not changeable.” Lord Ram
said,-“You take Sita away and as it is impossible to do anything without her,
you leave her shadow image here. “Lord Ram killed Ravan and got Sita back from Lord
Agni. The shadow image of Sita remained with lord Agni and performed great
penance at the pond Narayan. She meditated for hundred years. When Lord Shiv
appeared before her, she asked five times to have a husband. Lord Shiv blessed
her with five celestial husbands who are now Pandav brothers. That image of
Sita is now Draupadi. In Satyayug she
was Vedavati, in Tretayug she was Sita and in Dwapar she is Draupadi. When
inspired by deities my father Kamdev tried to disturb Lord Shiv, he cursed him. My mother condemned
Lord Shiv. Lord Shiv then cursed her also, -“Rati! You will be under a demon.
Demon Shambar will take you away. But your chastity will remain intact. You
remain there till your husband is reborn.” Thus as he stopped, Demon Subhadr,
the brother of Baan arrived and unleashed a missile on Aniruddh. The brave
grandson of Lord Srikrishn cancelled it sportily. Subhadr unleashed Shakti and
Narayan astra, which, too his young enemy foiled. Baanasur also joined
him and threw Lord Brahmastra on Aniruddh. The Son of Kamdev destroyed that
too. When Baan sought to use Pashupatastra , Lord Shiv and his sons stopped him. The both
enemies used matchless divine weapons and missiles and neither of them gave up.
Ganesh rushed to seek guidance of father Lord Shiv. Lord Shiv divulged,-“Son!
Lord Srikrishn is the single master of universe. His grandson is equally mighty
and invincible. Baan had died but Kartikeya revived him. Now you protect him
till Lord Srikrishn reaches here.” Meanwhile, courtier of Lord Shiv, Manibhadra
entered and said, -“Lord! Yadav are innumerable. Lord Krishn along with his
most dazzling Sudarshan chakra is accompanied by great stalwarts such as
Balaram, Pradyumn, Samb, Satyaki, king Ugrasen, Bhim, Arjun, son of Indra
Jayant, Uddhav and Akroor.”As Lord Ram had beleaguered Lanka so has Lord
Srikrishn captured Shonitpur.His vehicle Garud has destroyed the highest of our
boundaries. Balaram has destroyed three
lakhs gardens and they have barged into the main entrance. Hearing so, Lord
Shiv addressed all, -“The supreme ruler of Golok has arrived. He can finish the
entire cosmos in an eye blink, what to talk of this world? All of you protect Baan. He is dearer to me
then my own sons.”Goddess Parvati smiled and said,-“Baan! Bejewel your daughter
and give her to Lord Srikrishn and rule peacefully. What is the use of fighting
with your own soul? I am the power, Lord Brahma is mind and Lord Shiv is
wisdom. Lord Srikrishn is the soul of all. You are dearer to me then my own sons but no one is as dear
to me as Lord Srikrishn is. I reside as Radha in Golok, as Lord Shiv in Shivalok and as Saraswati in Lord Brahmalok.
You are wise and know your duty well.” Lord Shiv felt pleased and praised her,
-“Supreme Goddess! You have uttered the supreme truth. It is ridiculous to
fight with Supreme Lord. Baan should offer his daughter respectfully in
marriage.” Meanwhile king Bali who was
the ancestor of Baan reached there.
Except Lord Shiv all rose up to welcome him. Lord Shiv said,-“O the
greatest of devotees of Lord Vishnu! You sanctify the earth.”Bali said,-“O
Lord! Why do you praise your this servant? Please persuade my son Baan. Even
Deities should not fight Lord Srikrishn.” Tears streamed from his humbled face.
He mentally worshipped Lord Srikrishn in various ways. Lord Srikrishn responded
and said,-“Son! Fear not. Your son is immortal. I will only demolish his pride.
I had blessed Prahlad that I will never kill any of your descendents.”
counselling of all revered persons, Baan did not contain his wrath and rose to
fight Lord Srikrishn with his millions of soldiers. Celestial army of Lord Shiv
also joined him. A fierce battle took place. Being duty bound, Lord Shiv had to
fight with his dearest Lord Srikrishn. Lord Srikrishn honoured him so much that
he just applied a spell and Lord Shiv began to yawn. Lord Srikrishn cut the
arms of Baanasur. Finally Baan fell down, unconscious. Lord Shiv embraced his
body and shed tears of sorrow. A pond was created out of the tears of Lord Shiv
and he revived his devotee Baan. He then took Baan to Lord Srikrishn and
offered him in the feet of Lord Srikrishn. He then praised the Supreme lord.
Lord Srikrishn blessed Baan and he also praised Lord Srikrishn. Humiliated and
humbled Baan came to his senses. He then made up his daughter and gave her to
Lord Srikrishn respectfully along with precious gifts.
Grandfather Lord
Srikrishn reached Dwarka with great jubilation and joy and delivered his
granddaughter-in- law Usha to queens Devaki and Rukmani.
to the gracious grandfather! Who took the side of his grandson, kidnapped by a
girl. The idea of disobeying his authority or putting the reputation of family
at stake never loomed in the mind of loving grandfather who adored the
sentiments of his children more than social bindings and his own reputation or
anything else
Huge Stuff by admin... provide hanuman chalisa if possible...