Thursday 10 April 2014



Vajranabh, the younger brother of demon Nikumbh, performed great tapasya at mount Meru to please Lord Brahma. Pleased by his austerities, Lord Brahma blessed him to be unslayable for all and enthroned him as king of Vajrapuri, a newly created empire where even wind could not enter without permission. The fortified empire was filled with all pleasures and comforts. Demons enjoyed great prosperity and lived in it fearlessly. Fall is inevitable after rise. Such is the sport of time.
Vajranabh also became too arrogant and ambitious. Intoxicated with pride Vajranabh went to Indra and challenged him- ‘Either vacate the Swargalok for me or fight with me.’ Indra was in quandary to see the inflating pride of his brother. He however, said -"Our father sage Kashyap is performing a Yajna. Let him finish it. After that we will put the issue before him. Let him decide our fate". But the demon heeded not and impatiently approached sage Kashyap. The enlightened sage, having sensed the consequences, replied, -"Let me complete the Yajna first. Wait for some time. Go and stay in Vajrapuri till then.” The demon obeyed his father.
Anxious Indra reached Dwarka and discussed the ambitious plan of Vajranabh with Lord Srikrishn. Lord Srikrishn pondered for a while and said -"My father is going to perform Ashvamedha Yajna. After the Yajna is over I will kill Vajranabh. Let both of us apply our minds on how to kill him as even wind cannot enter his Vajrapuri”.
When the Yajna was going on in Dwarka, Lord Srikrishn and Arjun began to plan killing of demon. Several celestial beings gathered to attend the ceremony and bless Yadav. A Nata named Bhadranama performed a play before them. Pleased sages asked him to seek a boon. Lord Srikrishn hypnotized the Nata to seek a boon that would help him attain his goal. The hypnotized Nata said--“May I become unslayable for all and roam around the earth and sky freely. May I could enter the bodies of all who lived in the past, live in present and will live in the future along with my all-musical instruments. May I never grow old nor die. May I be able to host all Brahmans and could eat anywhere.” The sages granted him the boon.
Indra as instructed by Lord Srikrishn then called celestial swans and confided into them the plan hatched by Lord Srikrishn,-“Being born of sage Kashyap, you are brothers of deities. It is the time to help your brothers. If you disobey me, deities will not spare you. Go and enter Vajrapuri. In that beautiful empire lives a pretty princess Prabhavati, the daughter of Vajranabh. She was born by the blessing of Goddess Parvati and is swayamvara (one who chooses her husband herself). She will marry only the man of her choice. Go and appreciate Pradyumn in front of her so that she gets charmed to woo only him. Take her message to Pradyumn and let us know of the developments in their relationship. Pradyumn will take to the form of nata Bhadranama and enter Vajrapuri to kill demon Vajranabh who is unslayable even for deities.”
The swans obeyed Indra. As they flew here and there in Vajrapuri demon Vajranabh caught sight of them. Attracted by their beauty he felt elated and said-“You are celestial swans. Feel home here. How nice will it be if you come here on any occasion.” The swans said-"Surely let it be so!” The swans spoke in chaste Sanskrit and told him various tales about his father sage Kashyap in such a catchy style that the demon got hooked to them. One female swan named Shuchimukhi befriended the princess and became very close to Prabhavati. After days of friendship and entertaining gossips once Shuchimukhi asked her-“Fairone! The life of a young girl is futile without a suitor. Your father invited several princes but you rejected all. Why are you wasting your youth so?" This question put Prabhavati in doldrums. She had been disgusted with all suitors invited by her father but knew not what she exactly longed for. Observing her silence, deft Shuchimukhi unleashed another arrow to hit her target, -" Why would Pradyumn the most handsome of all males come here? He is so virile and charming that even by catching a glimpse of him maids' thighs get moistened. His eyes, face and gait are just matchless. Lord Vishnu has exhausted his cache of skill in chiselling his bodily features. Shambara asura kidnapped him when he was just an infant. Brave Pradyumn killed him yet he did not harm anyone a bit. Whatever qualities you can imagine in a man, are all, in him. He resembles fire in shine; sun in glory; earth in forgiveness and ocean in serenity and depth.”
The vivid description of Lord Srikrishn's son beguiled Prabhavati. She eagerly asked, - "Dear, I have heard that Lord Vishnu is dwelling on earth these days. My father often says Lord Vishnu is the enemy of demons and has killed many of them in the past. He should be ostracized. But girls always wish their husband to be superior to their father. I have heard of Pradyumn’s glory and love him secretly. Can you tell me, how can I get him as my husband?” Shuchimukhi saw the ice melting. She promptly said, -"I will take your message to Pradyumn and arrange for your meeting with him. But first of all you appreciate me in front of your father by telling that I am skilled in telling amazing tales."
The deal worked and keen and curious Vajranabh invited Shuchimukhi to tell him amazing tales of cosmos.

The swan exploited the opportunity and extolled nata Bhadranama in front of the demon who got into fantasizing and arrogantly said, - "I too have heard of him but it appears that he has not yet heard of me!” Shuchimukhi narrated the extraordinary ability possessed by Bhadranama. Inspired and intrigued by hearing about the unique creature, king Vajranabh requested Shuchimukhi to somehow bring Bhadranama to Vajrapuri. Shuchimukhi assured him and reported to Lord Srikrishn the success story.

Victorious Lord Srikrishn called Pradyumn and advised him to win Prabhavati and kill Vajranabh. Pradyumn assumed the form of nata Bhadranama and accompanied by brother Samb and uncle Gada entered Supur, a neighbouring town of Vajrapuri. Inspired by the tales narrated by swans, Vajranabh provided best of comforts and services to the troupe in Supur. The troupe performed play of Ramayana. Their performance enthralled the audience. Deeply impressed the denizens of Supur generously offered precious gifts to the performers. The performers also extolled the donors and their ancestors lavishly. Vajranabh then ushered the troupe in Vajrapuri with great respect and ensured best of hospitality.
Vajranabh organized a festival to please 'Mahakaal,' - Lord Lord Shiv.  Thus “Rudrotsava” a festival to propitiate Lord Shiv was being celebrated in his kingdom. The troupe was asked to perform at the dais. The descendents of Lord Srikrishn performed the musical bonanza Chhalikya gandharv gaan along with nymphs that hypnotized the audience. Pradyumn enacted descend of Goddess Ganga from Vaikunthalok. Samb acted as a clown and enacted events that had occurred on Mount Kailash. The audience reeled in laughter with rapt attention. They showered lavish gifts over the troupe.

Sensing the opportunity, Shuchimukhi took Prabhavati aside and whispered- "I have been to Dwarka to carry on your message. Lord Srikrishn's scion; prince Pradyumn would meet you tonight.  The descendents of Lord Srikrishn never utter a lie to their loved ones. Believe me and trust him." Delighted yet nervous Prabhavati insisted Shuchimukhi to stay with her in her bedroom. Bemused Shuchimukhi however, pretended and flew to take the message to Pradyumn. Pradyumn too was delighted. He mumbled-" Very fine!"

Shuchimukhi then came back to tell Prabhavati-“Have patience fair one! Pradyumn is coming to you soon.” Prabhavati was enmeshed in rapture. Her dream was about to come true. Shuchimukhi also celebrated her victory.  The task entrusted by Lord Srikrishn was nearing completion.
Pradyumn had to find a way now to embark upon his amorous adventure. Anxious and ardent lover cogitated hard over how to find a furtive entrance to the palace of his sweetheart. Heap of floral garlands being transported into the palace of Prabhavati caught his attention. This clicked an idea and he disguised as a dark moth hid in a garland. Maids delivered the floral garland to the restless princess, awaiting arrival of her lover anxiously. She knew not as to how and when Pradyumn would find a way to meet her. Throbbing of her nervous heart pushed her into delirium. From anywhere her ardent suitor was sure to reach there, had assured Shuchimukhi.
Desirous of pleasing him she looked into the mirror again and again and put the floral garland along her face, unaware of presence of Pradyumn in a lotus flower dangling along her ear.  Eager princess restlessly roamed in and out, sometime turning sides in the cosy bed, sheathed in Muslin, sometime humming, sometime praying fervently with closed eyes. Pradyumn silently rejoiced in seeing her swinging in moods. Being the son of Lord Srikrishn he knew that right things happen only at opportune time. His patience however, failed and flinched as moon began to appear in the sky, gradually attaining full aplomb. His lucent moonlight calmed the directions. Except for the lull of nature nothing could be heard. Prabhavati waiting anxiously for her lover, failed to get trace of Pradyumn. Her excitement began to give way to sheer desperation. Filled with fear, she began to confide her longing to Shuchimukhi, - "Dear! I am dying to see a man about whom I have merely heard. Fie upon women’s craving born of Cupid’s bow! This moonlit breeze is burning my body and searing my heart. How I long to be with my lover! My heart is now pounding with fear. I shall surely perish without him if he did not come to see me.”
Prabhavati's speech enthralled eager Pradyumn. He too had been longing to meet his beloved. Being an ace in the art of love, he looked forward to find a right opportunity to appear before her.
Pradyumn now found the appropriate moment. He whispered into her ears-“Fairone! I am already here. Prabhavati may treat me the way she pleases. I am her servant.” Saying so, Pradyumn appeared in front of the lovelorn princess. Prabhavati was overwhelmed. Pangs of love gushed up in her heart.  Blushed and in awe, she dared not look at glorious Pradyumn who was gloating over her bewitching countenance like a beguiled pawn. She could not utter a single word. Sensing her state of being in a fix, Pradyumn addressed her-“Beautiful Princess! Fear not. I am your slave. You are indeed matchless in beauty. Oblige me by accepting me as your husband in gandharv vivah." Prabhavati could hardly believe. Her joy knew no bounds to hear the proposal of son of Lord Lord Srikrishn.

Assured of her wish, Pradyumn produced sacred fire through his suryakanta Mani and offered flowers to Lord Agni with chanting of mantra. He asked Shuchimukhi to stand guard on the entrance of the palace. The twin eager hearts merged into each other’s embrace. Being an incarnation of Cupid, he delighted Prabhavati so much that she got deeply attached to him in a single night.
With dawn, came the desperation of dusk in the heart of Prabhavati who could not bear separation from her lover even for a single moment. However, Pradyumn had to rush back to perform his role as a theatre artist.  Aware of longing of his wife, he created two bodies and began to stay during day also with Prabhavati. His illusory body lived as nata with the Yadav.

As long as sage Kashyap performed a Yajna both demons and deities remained restrained. Celestial Swans used to update Indra and Lord Srikrishn about the affair of Pradyumn and Prabhavati. Sunabh, the younger brother of Vajranabh had two marriageable daughters, - Chandravati and Gunavati who were close to Prabhavati.  The curious princesses noticed perceptible change in the mood of sister Prabhavati who glowed and appeared bemused all the time. Intrigued, they spied and once caught Prabhavati in bed with Pradyumn.  They began to pester Prabhavati to divulge the secret of getting such a magnetic husband. After showing tantrums for a while Prabhavati agreed to divulge the secret mantra through which she had won Pradyumn as her husband. She said that through a vidya bestowed upon her by sage Durvasa in the past she had found her soul mate. The twin sisters showed keen interest to learn the vidya to win their husbands. Prabhavati advised them, -“Demons are arrogant while deities are generous. Demons are impure while deities are pure. You should think of wedding only chaste deities.” She also promised them to teach the skill to get deities as their husbands. She then disclosed the wish of her cousins in front of Pradyumn. Pradyumn proposed his uncle Gad and brother Samb as grooms for the two girls. He then brought them secretly in the palace. By producing sacred fire they also married the two sisters in gandharv vivah. Thus the three yadav princes spent months with their wives in the closely guarded palace of Vajranabh, awaiting message and orders of master wizard Lord Lord Srikrishn.

Pradyumn extolled Prabhavati during rainy season and instilled great respect for his father and ancestors in her mind.

When sage Kashyap completed his Yajna he called Vajranabh and said, -“Son! You should confine yourself to Vajrapuri as Indra has performed greater tapasya and auspicious deeds. If you take cudgels against him, you will certainly perish.” Arrogant Vajranabh however, did not pay heed to father’s advice. Lord Srikrishn and Indra sent message to Pradyumn that the Vajranabh should be killed now. The three yadav princes pondered over. Their chaste wives being then pregnant were to be taken care of.
The trio sent swans to Lord Srikrishn with the message of developments in relationship and sought his guidance. Lord Srikrishn sent back them the message that they need not worry as their wives were going to deliver sons, innately well versed in Vedas and would grow up into youths soon after their birth. This prophecy relieved the couples. As presaged by Lord Srikrishn the three queens gave birth to such three sons who fulfilled the life of couples with delight. Once it so happened that the security guards of palace noticed three youths strolling upon the roof of palace of Prabhavati. The appearance of youth greatly resembled deities. The deft spies lost no time and passed their details to Vajranabh.
The demon was filled with fear and wrath. He immediately ordered his soldiers to capture and kill the intruders dwelling in the palace of his daughter. A mammoth army beleaguered the palace of Prabhavati. Pradyumn saw the queens trembling and crying in fear. He however, fearlessly addressed Prabhavati, -“Dear, your father is respectable to me. Please do not fear.  We will protect you all the way. But he is out to kill our sons and us. Now you have to tell us as to what should we do? I shall certainly do your bidding.”
Prabhavati fell on the ground. She sobbed and said-“Gracious lord! It is indeed a trying time for us. Lift your weapon and protect yourself. Sage Durvasa has blessed me that I will never be widowed and become mother of several sons. His blessing will not be belied.” Saying so, she gave a sword to Pradyumn. Valiant son of Lord Srikrishn bowed before Prabhavati to seek her blessings. The chaste wife was in a quandary. Her arrogant father was out to terminate her fortune, acquired with immense penance. She garnered all her power and blessed Pradyumn for victory. Her sisters also followed her. Having received the blessings of princesses of Vajrapuri and sure of their cordial support, Pradyumn asked Samb to face the enemy at the entrance of palace and he flew to the sky to fight against the demonic forces with his Maya.

In sky he created a chariot driven by a serpent with thousand hoods and began to attack demons from there. Indra along with other deities watched the warfare from sky. He sent his chariot, son and vehicle Eravata elephant to help the yadav prince. Together they blew the enemy apart. Pradyumn assumed millions of forms and terrified the demons. Jayant, the son of Indra and Pradyumn fought alternatively throughout the night. In the morning Lord Srikrishn mounted on Garud and appeared in the heavenly fray. He blew his Panchjanya conch to terrify the enemy. A tremor ran down the spine of demons. Having numbed the enemies Lord Srikrishn exhorted, -"Son! Kill the enemy soon. Mount on Garud.” Pradyumn followed his father. After bowing before him and Indra, he hit Vajranabh with his maze. The demon vomited blood and fainted. When he regained consciousness he also attacked Pradyumn with maze. Pradyumn fainted and began to vomit blood.
Lord Srikrishn quietly watched his wounded son vomiting. He coolly blew his conch shell to infuse energy and strength into his warriors. The son received    impetus and got filled with enthusiasm. Lord Srikrishn passed his Sudarshan chakra to Pradyumn. Having received the celestial discusses Pradyumn lost not time and beheaded demon Vajranabh in an eye blink.

Samb and Gad also killed other relatives of Vajranabh. Lord Srikrishn and Indra descended in Vajrapuri. They offered protection to terrified people. The people of Vajrapur felt relieved to see Lord Srikrishn in their town. They prayed Lord Srikrishn to decide their future. Lord Srikrishn divided the kingdom of Vajrapuri into four parts and enthroned three sons of Pradyumn, Samb and Gada and Jayant as four rulers. The princes ruled there for six months and when things got settled they returned to Dwarka along with their wives.

Jara you are not to be blamed

Once Maharishi Vishvamitr, Kanv and Nard camped in Dwarka. Inspired by misfortune, sons of Sri Lord Srikrishn disguised Samb, the son of Lord Srikrishn and Jambavati as a pregnant woman and took him to the sages. They said-“Sages! This is the wife of Babhru who is keen to have a son. Please tell us what shall be born of her?” The enlightened sages were filled with disdain. They cursed the mischievous boys-“Fools! This son of Lord Srikrishn will deliver an iron club, which will destroy all of you cruel and moron Yadav. Only Lord Srikrishn and Balaram will not be killed by it. Balaram will renounce his body wilfully and Lord Srikrishn will be pierced by the arrow of a hunter called Jara.”Krishna dies with hunter arrow Top 10 Unknown Facts About Lord Krishna
The terrified flock of young lads took to their heels fearful of the aftermath that was sure to follow. Their mindless mischief had put them to an inescapable trouble they realized. The sages too, felt bad and met Lord Srikrishn to narrate the unfortunate event.
Lord Srikrishn calmly listened to them and bade them a farewell.
“Curse of sages will surely bear fruits!” saying so in front of all courtiers, Lord Srikrishn went to his palace. The word spread soon in the entire Dwarka that the end of Yadav was imminent.

Next day Samb delivered an iron club. King Ugrasen got it crushed and thrown into the sea. To avert the curse and possible catastrophe king Ugrasen and Lord Srikrishn announced in the empire-“Who so ever will prepare wine in Dwarka will be hanged till death along with the family.” Fearing the punishment people stopped brewing and taking wine. The time to face consequences of curse given by Gandhari and Sages ripened. Nature whispered the forthcoming destruction in various ways. Women dreamt of horrible women laughing and plundering the township. Men dreamt of huge vultures devouring carcasses voluptuously. Yadav terrified by bad omens, decided to go on pilgrimage.

 Lord Srikrishn foretold events to Uddhav and asked him to proceed to Badrinath to practice yog to attain oneness with the formless divine consciousness.  Lord Srikrishn then took all Yadav to Prabhaskshetra in Gujarat and camped on the seashore. They bathed in river Saraswati and performed ceremonies to propitiate ancestors and deities. One afternoon well fed Yadav gossiped arrogantly amongst them. Scenes of battle of Kurukshetra fought between Pandav and Kaurav began to screen in their mind.  After the main battle vengeful son of guru Droncharya, Aswatthama had performed Yajna to kill the five sons of Draupadi. He entered the camp of Pandav and killed five sons of Draupadi with help of Kritavarma, a yadav who sided with Kaurav in the battle. Killing of five sons of Draupadi by Aswatthama with the help of Kritverma loomed strongly in the mind of Satyaki, a valiant yadav.

Satyaki intoxicated with pride, teased Kritaverma-“Kritavarma! Who can call himself a Kshatriya after killing men who were asleep as you did?”  Pradyumn also supported Satyaki and ridiculed Kritaverma who retaliated even more curtly-“ Hey, Bhurishrava had lost his one arm. He was fasting till death in the battlefield. How did you dare kill him in such a situation?” Satyaki was red with anger. He rose and shouted-“ I pledge by truth. I shall kill this sinner today and send him where the sons of Draupadi, Shikhandi and Dhrishtadyumn have gone.” Satyaki who was sitting next to Lord Srikrishn roared like a lion and pulled his sword out. He beheaded Kritavarma in an eye blink. Thus he triggered the massacre, pouncing upon other friends of Kritavarma as well.

 Lord Srikrishn rushed to stop him but inspired by misfortune several soldiers surrounded Satyaki from all sides. Pradyumn jumped to save Satyaki. Satyaki and Pradyumn fought tooth and nail but finally succumbed to death. Filled with an impulse, Lord Srikrishn uprooted ereka shrubs that turned instantly into iron bolts, hitting all with it. Descendents of Andhak, Bhoja, Shini and Vrishni began to lick dust, battered by the iron clubs. As soon as any warrior touched the shrub for hitting the other, the shrub turned into an iron bolt. Fathers and sons killed each other. None could think of running away and lost their lives as moths rush to flame and end up. Lord Srikrishn saw his all sons being killed, yet not an iota of grief appeared at his face. He himself finished rest of the survivors. He knew his promise to Goddess earth to unburden her from the load of arrogant and sly kings.

After the orgy came to a halt, Babhru and Daruk came to Sri Lord Srikrishn and said, –“Lord! All Yadav have died, mostly by your hands. Let us look for now Balaramji.” The three men quietly followed footprints of Balaram. They found him sitting quietly under a tree. Daruk was amazed to see Lord Srikrishn's chariot and weapons flying to the sky. Lord Srikrishn advised them to go to Dwarka and tell all that all yaduvanshis including Lord Srikrishn and Balaram have departed. As the sea was about to drown  Dwarka, they should go with Arjun to Indraprastha. Daruk, heard his lord saying so in an aloof and clear voice. He however, failed to bear this and broke down into bitter tears.
Lord Srikrishn appeased him-"Daruk take shelter in dharma imparted by me. Be seated in divine wisdom and consider the entire scenario as mere delusion. Be calm and attain peace thus." Lord Srikrishn asked Daruk to go to Hastinapur and tell Arjun about the end of Yadav.  He then asked Babhru to go to Dwarka to take care of women. As soon as Babhru began to go, an iron club fell from the quiver of a hunter, which killed him too.

 Lord Srikrishn serenely asked Balaram-“Brother! Wait for me here. I shall go to take care of women in Dwarka and come back.” He reached Dwarka and narrating the sordid events to father Vasudev, gave him his last piece of advice-“Father! You wait for Arjun and take care of women. I shall go to see brother Balaram, waiting for me in the woods. I have seen the end of Yadav. I can’t bear to see this Dwarka devoid of those stalwarts.” Saying so, he made track for his way to Prabhas Kshetra. The news of destruction of Yadav spread as fast as lightning in the empire of Lord Srikrishn. Bereaved women rolled on earth in sheer gloom. Even the presence of Lord of world had failed to save them from the macabre massacre of their loved ones. Such powerful is the decree of time. They hardly got back to their senses and rushed to the palace of Lord Srikrishn who alone was the last repository of hope in the moments of doom.
Lord Srikrishn was calmly intending to move out but the voices of wailing women forced him to stop and turn back. He threw a glance filled with compassion. He could not redeem them from their predestined misfortune nor save them from the sordid future that lay ahead, he knew.  He however, as a responsible guardian consoled them-“Gracious ladies! Arjun will soon arrive here. He will take care of you all.”  There was no need to elaborate anything further. The time was running out, he knew.

The Lord of Universe behaved like an ace actor. He soon reached where Balaram was sitting steeped in samadhi.  Lord Srikrishn saw a white serpent with thousands of hoods surrounded by a red aura emerging from the mouth of Balaram who quietly crawled into the sea. Sea god appeared and welcomed him accompanied by ruling deities of rivers and divine serpents. He solemnly bade farewell to his brother.
 Lord Srikrishn then began to roam around quietly in the forest waiting for his turn to leave the earth. He sat under a tree to relax.  Quietly recalling the curse given by Gandhari, he too entered into Samadhi.
The purpose of every soul’s descend on earth is to clear all the debts continuing from past lives.

Lord Srikrishn had yet to set right his account with a hunter called Jara, who was Bali, a king of monkeys in the previous life. Lord Vishnu descended as prince Ram of Ayodhya and went searching for his wife Sita, kidnapped by king of Lanka, Ravan. Simultaneously a king of monkeys named Bali  also usurped the throne of his younger brother Sugriv and married his wife Tara forcibly. Sugriv promised to help Ram and Ram in turn agreed to help Sugriv regain his empire and wife. Ram knew that powerful Bali had a boon that whosoever would fight against him will lose half of his strength to Bali.  If he called upon Bali to fight in a dual, his half of power would go to Bali, making him invincible for all. He therefore, asked Sugriv to have a dual with Bali. While the fight was going on between Sugriv and Bali, Ram hidden behind a tree, unleashed an arrow and killed Bali.

Now Bali was reborn as Jara and Ram was there as Lord Srikrishn.  The laws of nature are unbelievably perfect. At the appointed moment Jara saw a flowing Pitamber around the dusky body of Lord Srikrishn. Mistaking him for a deer, he unleashed an arrow. The arrow hit him in the feet. Blood flowed from the feet, which have been worshipped and enshrined in the hearts of innumerable devotees of Lord Srikrishn. He remained nonchalant as an indifferent watcher. Jubilant Jara came forward to lift his booty. Life is such a strange journey. When he expected his reward of a deer he found a four-armed Lord Srikrishn steeped in meditation. Completely beside himself, the hunter fell in the feet of Lord Srikrishn. Tears of regret quietly narrated his grief and shock.

Ignorant Jara was filled with unfathomable repentance. The cosmic conscience however knew that he was merely playing his role as prescribed by the nature. The arrow unleashed by him unwarily was destined to hit its target as ordained by the curse of sages. A fish who swallowed the piece of iron bolt delivered by Samb was caught by a fisherman who, on cutting the fish found the iron piece and sold it to an ironsmith. The smith moulded the iron piece into an arrow that found its place in the quiver of Jara the former Bali who was destined to hit Lord Srikrishn to redeem himself.

Lord Srikrishn opened his blissful serene eyes and threw a merciful glance at the wailing hunter. Words of compassion flowed from his heart-“Fear not Jara! You are not to be blamed. It is the time which makes things happen.” When heart speaks words escape. When mind is tranquilized speech freezes. Jara got in a few moments a bounty he had never dreamt of in his life of a hunter. Lord Srikrishn is accepted as ‘amogh’, which means one whose remembrance never goes futile. How could association with him in the solitude of forest go futile? The stream of divine love flowing through Lord Srikrishn sanctified the soul of Jara who attained liberation in an eye blink.

All deities appeared before Lord Srikrishn and praised him. Lord Srikrishn smiled and closed his eyes. Within a moment he deserted Mother Earth and reached Golok.  All celestial beings welcomed him and offered their oblations.

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